SiroccoSurf Website Launched

21st December 2011
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Just finished and it was a very satisfying project because it involved redesigning the old design and adding Store functionality with WP e-Commerce plugin (The store will go live first quarter 2012).

Biggie Smithers designs custom surf and kiteboards and he and his wife Ruth wanted to update their website and bring it more in line with their competitors while retaining a unique and very organic personality.

We achieved this with live action photos and handwriting text while staying true to the original logo and colors. We created an order form to allow users to create their own surf board using the examples as a model, and we’re excited to launch the store next year to sell used and premade boards.

I’m particularly proud of the responsive design which works well on most screens and how we kept to a simple and clean design aesthetic. We installed a mobile theme so the site is viewable in that space, this will capture their target market which is the 35-55 active surfer population.


Nathaniel Flick

I'm a Front End Web Developer passionate about usability. My primary specialties are HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, LESS, and jQuery and I am very familiar with Foundation and Bootstrap frameworks. I've worked on top of and with WordPress, Shopify, Rails, Python, and frameworks.

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