Since September 2011 I’ve been marketing Dirt and Rust and that work is now starting to bear fruit. Unfortunately, till the end of the year I’m not taking on any client work, but isn’t that always the way.
Till the end of the year I’m not taking on any client work
However, instead of just saying no and not giving a reason, I’ve decided to list all the skills I’m working on till 31 December:
- Start baby steps into mobile development, namely iPhone dev
- Learn and implement SASS
- Learn advanced CSS techniques by reading CSS Tricks and taking online courses at Codecademy
- Learn Javascript also on Codecademy
- Use Responsive Design in any website I build in the future. No small task!
I’m not going to stop using WordPress, I’m just going to focus on becoming a full-fledged front end developer. These days, to stand out is to specialise, there’s just not enough time to do it all which is what I have been trying to do the past 2 years or so.
I’ve turned down some good solid work opportunities but saying no has left my time free to do the above, and to come out of the gate in 2013 with an improved skill set and a more focused career goal.
This is the power of saying no. To those I’ve said no to, thank you for understanding my position. To those I hope to say yes to next year, I’m even more focused than ever.