Xero acquires WorkFlowMax, Facebook gets ready to launch IPO

2nd February 2012
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Xero aquires WorkFlowMax and more funding from investors

Wellington, New Zealand-based Xero has just acquired Auckland-based WorkFlowMax. This is an amazing development, but not unexpected. I see this acquisition as a sign New Zealand is starting to join forces, breaking through the barrier that is the DIY attitude. Many hands make light work.

I love both systems, and I think with Xero’s stellar management team and design staff, WorkFlowMax will be the perfect addition to Xero’s stable. MYOB? What MYOB? I love great design and Xero‘s website and web-based software are top notch, they win design awards every year it seems.

Facebook officially announces IPO filing, gets ready to make 1000 employees millionaires

Facebook just officially announced its IPO today. But I think as the mystery fades about its actual profits and user numbers (and thus, success) so too will its stock price. Zynga and Groupon have not fared well, they do not have an actual product to sell or inventory beyond their servers; if they are cloud based servers even that is questionable as an asset. The S-1 is analysed and other risk factors explored on TechCrunch.com today.

Both Xero and Facebook have loyal and expanding user bases and simple, clean designs. Oh, and the color blue! Red is used these days for fun, photo sharing companies, not serious accounting software or social networks. Hear me, Bebo? I imagine WorkFlowMax will follow suit and take on a navy blue hue – something, organised, serious and professional.

Are you excited about the Xero/WorkFlowMax acquisition? I am, even more than I am about Facebook because it’s a step in the right direction for New Zealand business.


Nathaniel Flick

I'm a Front End Web Developer passionate about usability. My primary specialties are HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, LESS, and jQuery and I am very familiar with Foundation and Bootstrap frameworks. I've worked on top of and with WordPress, Shopify, Rails, Python, and ASP.net/Umbraco frameworks.

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