Your Virtual Assistant Website – A Usability Case Study

26th October 2011
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Justine, owner of Your Virtual Assistant came to me and said her primary goal was to get more leads from her website. Her customers don’t know all the services she provides. Her existing website hadn’t been refreshed in several years and wasn’t converting.

Jakob Nielson’s research into the “F-shaped Reading Pattern of Web Pages” heavily informs my design work, as does LukeW – Designing for Today’s Web research into web forms and how they can make a website more usable.

Your Virtual Assistant's original website

Home Page

So we put our heads together and focused on the primary goal of more leads. To us this means more contacts from the website so starting with the home page we make it much easier to get in touch and hire Justine. The big green button is in evidence right under the mission statement for the company. This can be seen as a bit heavy handed by some, but it’s direct and purposeful and it’s working!

Your Virtual Assistant new website - home page

Contact Page

The contact page echoes the primary goal:

Your Virtual Assistant new website - contact page

Packages Page

As does the Packages page which with the green “Enquire” button drives direct action; Justine gets an email with the Package in the Subject line so she can respond accordingly.

Your Virtual Assistant new website - packages page

See the redesigned Your Virtual Assistant website live here. Justine tells me her leads have gone up significantly and she’s really pleased with the results of the website. She continues to blog, refreshing content, and through content and good SEO alone (no SEM spend as of yet) she’s got a good command of the keyword “virtual assistant” as she brings that term here to New Zealand.


Nathaniel Flick

I'm a Front End Web Developer passionate about usability. My primary specialties are HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, LESS, and jQuery and I am very familiar with Foundation and Bootstrap frameworks. I've worked on top of and with WordPress, Shopify, Rails, Python, and frameworks.

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